“Blooms” in My July Garden

July has been gentle this year. We’ve had miraculously cool breezes and refreshing summer rainstorms. There has been no string of days over 100° F. Friends and family have had the energy to visit, and the flowers have had enough pep to welcome them with petaled smiles. Here is a list of “blooms” in my […]

Did My Book Make a Sound?

I’m sitting beside the window, sorting through a box of books, listening to Christmas carols.  I turned on the music to cheer me up, thinking I could get away with it because of “Christmas in July.”  The sun is streaming in as the grandfather clock ticks beside me.  Time—changes—things. The scene around me is happy.  […]

Berry Picking

Fog hovered over the tops of the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. Clouds covered the sun, providing relief from the July heat. Life had been hard in the weeks leading up to that trip, and that very night (unbeknownst to us), we would come down with violent stomach bugs. But on that misty morning at […]